Relationship Q&A + Our Valentine’s Day Gift Guides

Question: What is your first memory of each other?

Lisa: My first memory was seeing Adrian dancing and I remember thinking “wow, this guy is so good looking and can dance” LOL. BTW, we were on vacation when we met.

Adrian: I remember seeing Lisa on the closed circuit TV on the cruise we were on and I thought to myself…”man, that girl is HOT!”

Question: How do you guys talk through disagreements/arguments? Who is the first to apologize?

Lisa: I feel like with any relationship you have arguments and disagreements. Sometimes they get heated, but most of the time we can usually talk through them. I think it’s normal to disagree, it keeps things interesting. I would say I am the first to apologize and our arguments don’t last. Our rule is to never go to sleep upset.

Adrian: I listen to what Lisa has to say, as much as I don’t love to admit it she is right most of the time.

Question: What are your tips to keep the spark alive after marriage?

Lisa: I think you have to act like you are still dating in a sense. Don’t get too complacent or comfortable because it gets boring, especially after years of being together.

Adrian: Don’t be afraid to experiment if you know what I mean 🙂 Try new things and be adventurous. Lisa loves romance, so I try to surprise her with gestures and things I know she would appreciate.

Question: What is your favorite thing about your partner?

Lisa: I love how selfless Adrian is. He would literally do anything for me and for our family. He is so caring, loving and just genuinely kind.

Adrian: I love how positive Lisa is and her ability to turn any day into a good day. I honestly can’t think of much I don’t love about her.

Question: What is the main thing that you think makes a relationship last?

Lisa: Trust, communication and friendship. I genuinely like hanging out together and doing even the smallest things together.

Adrian: It’s important to be on the same page, having similar values and goals. Also, respecting each other’s space. Having unconditional love, remembering why you fell in love. Another thing is being grateful for that person and showing you care.

Gifts He’ll Love

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